Crerar Cleanliness Commitment

View our “Crerar Cleanliness Commitment” where we discuss all we are doing to ensure the safety of our guests.
At our Crerar Hotels & Inns hotels we’re committed to offering you the highest standards of hospitality.
During the COVID-19 outbreak we’ve been using our time really well, working extra hard to welcome you back to an even safer environment.
We’re ready to reopen once the restrictions on hotels are lifted and really confident we have the best practices for safety.
Just as importantly - we have the best places to welcome you back for a relaxing break.
We’ve launched our “Crerar Cleanliness Commitment” to give tangible reassurance to our guests and colleagues that we understand how important cleanliness is.
It’s key for safety and safety is key for an enjoyable stay. Just as it’s key for the safety of our colleagues. We’re confident and you can be when booking or visiting Crerar Hotels.
Our teams have now all had expert training on COVID-19 prevention and control procedures.
It starts with deep cleaning using specialists products, equipment and training to match. We’ve always regarded cleanliness as critical and now we have stepped up to a new level.
Our cleaning products are 100% safe and effective – and are free of toxins, carcinogens or chemical residues. They kill viruses and bacteria such as E-coli, Salmonella and MRSA. We take our time and do it thoroughly.
Anything that can be touched in bedrooms & bathrooms is cleaned with this new intensity.
We’ll sanitise each bedroom between every use – cleaning kettles, cups, glasses, and fridges.
We’ll disinfect sinks, showers, baths & taps - toilet seats, cisterns, handles and walls.
When bedrooms are vacated, we’ll ensure the maximum time possible will elapse between deep cleaning and the next guest occupying the room.
For your extra safety there will be no in room hotel promotional materials & magazines.
To complete your room safety process - we’re deploying an intelligent fogging system in our bedrooms & bathrooms before they’re occupied - to disinfect areas with a revolutionary antibacterial technology.
We’re giving our public areas the same thorough treatment. So, lounges restaurants and bars will be cleaned with increased frequencies to assure you that we’re operating to the highest standards.
And hand sanitisers will be in place at the entrance to bars and restaurants.
At breakfast, we’ll be serving you only at your table – or in your room…
Breakfast tables will be booked for each guest to ensure we can maintain social distancing in the mornings by avoiding queuing.
Clear signs will create space between visitors.
Any questions about hygiene will be addressed on a Frequently Asked Question page on our website.
The spirit of hospitality has been here for everyone before... and will be now and forever.
Your safety is our number one priority. We’re really looking forward to welcoming you back when the time is right.
The Crerar Cleanliness Commitment guarantees that if you feel anything less than totally satisfied with our hygiene standards during your visit – we’ll welcome you back for a complimentary night’s stay at any Crerar hotel.
Our Hotel teams are really excited to welcome you on your next Crerar visit – and to share with you the spirit of Scotland.